Inspiration: The Vidocq Society

Happened onto this by checking out one of's lists, then following a link and voila! Modern day consulting detectives.

There's a book out called The Murder Room by Michael Capuzzo that details the history and present of The Vidocq Society -- an organization of crime specialists who meet once a month to review cold cases and maybe solve one or two of them.

They're inspired by Eugene Francois Vidocq, a former criminal who devoted his life to solving crimes and -- with a band of other former criminals as associates -- eventually ended up getting paid for it by Scotland Yard.

It's an inspiration (as many non-fiction books are to me) because it manages to provide more telling detail on what consulting detective work might be like -- not being present at the crime scene itself necessarily, but able to piece things together from clues that diligent forensics experts and persistent police detectives have collated.

Perhaps with this, I'll be able to cobble together my own Philippine murder mystery story.

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